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PSZ10APF | PowerShield 10 Amp Surge Filter, protects sensitive equipment from power surges, ensuring reliable operation and longevity

PSZ10APF | PowerShield 10 Amp Surge Filter, protects sensitive equipment from power surges, ensuring reliable operation and longevity


$343.90 inc GST

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Product Description

Product Description

The ZapGuard series of portable filters are designed to provide secondary protection and are particularly suitable for use with plug-in UPS systems, servers, instrumentation, POS systems, specialised industrial and commercial portable equipment where a high degree of protection is required.

* IEC input and output
* 2 part display
* 3 stage, 3 mode protection
* LC filter network
* Rugged IP24 enclosure
* 10A and 16A versions
* Surge protection and EMI / RFI filter
* 40kA Imax L-N. 60kA all modes


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