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AR4340IX500 | APC Ecostruxure Micro Data Center, 43U rack, with Netbotz monitoring, power panel, power meter, HMI, fans, lights, 2080H x 800W x 1200D mm

AR4340IX500 | APC Ecostruxure Micro Data Center, 43U rack, with Netbotz monitoring, power panel, power meter, HMI, fans, lights, 2080H x 800W x 1200D mm


$13,075.50 inc GST

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Product Description

Product Description

APC Ecostruxure Micro Data Center, 43U rack, with Netbotz monitoring, power panel, power meter, HMI, fans, lights, 2080H x 800W x 1200D mm

Product or component type Micro data center
Network frequency 50 Hz
Ambient air temperature for storage -20…40 °C

Compatible Spare parts- NBHN4340, NBHN125, AP5808, AP8712R, SRT192RMBP


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