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AF-5G23-S45 | Ubiquiti 5GHz airFiber Dish 23dBi Slant 45 Degree Signal Angle For Optimum Interference Avoidance, Universal Pole Mount, Weatherproof, 2Yr Warr

AF-5G23-S45 | Ubiquiti 5GHz airFiber Dish 23dBi Slant 45 Degree Signal Angle For Optimum Interference Avoidance, Universal Pole Mount, Weatherproof, 2Yr Warr


$187.50 inc GST

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Product Description

Product Description

Important Warranty Information:
•2-Year Warranty: Current promotion running from March to December 2024, all Ubiquiti items purchased during this period come with 2-year warranty.
•For items purchased outside the specified period (March to December 2024), the standard Manufacturer’s warranty duration is 1 year.

Ubiquiti airFiber X 5 GHz, 23 dBi, Slant 45

SKU: AF-5G23-S45

Description: 5 GHz, 23 dBi antenna ideal for long range Point-to-Point (PtP) links.

Tech Specs: Click Here

•2×2 dual-polarity performance
•Robust mechanical design for outdoor application use
•Secure pole-mounting
•Compatible with airFiber X radios
•Weatherproof RF Connectors


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