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1W10002 | Western Digital WD Ultrastar 2TB 3.5″ Enterprise HDD SATA 128MB 7200RPM 512N SE DC HA210 24×7 600MB Buffer 2mil hrs MTBF 5yrs wty HUS722T2TALA604

1W10002 | Western Digital WD Ultrastar 2TB 3.5″ Enterprise HDD SATA 128MB 7200RPM 512N SE DC HA210 24×7 600MB Buffer 2mil hrs MTBF 5yrs wty HUS722T2TALA604


$210.50 inc GST

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Product Description

Product Description

Western Digital WD Ultrastar Enterprise HDD 2TB 3.5″ SATA 128MB 7200RPM 512N SE DC HA210 24×7 600MB Buffer 2mil hrs MTBF 5yrs wty HUS722T2TALA604

Let Your Data Thrive with Ultrastar Quality, Capacity, and Power Efficiency
Delivering highly dependable performance to any storage environment, Ultrastar hard drives are designed for demanding workloads (up to 550TB per year), 10 times the workload rating of desktop drives. Ultrastar drives employ advanced technologies for enterprise-class reliability and power efficiency, to deliver a lower total cost of ownership, so you can safeguard more of your valuable data. The Ultrastar family delivers a long-standing tradition of reliability with an unbeaten 5-year limited warranty. Western Digital is dedicated to providing a complete portfolio of hard drives to create environments for your data to thrive..

Our most popular Ultrastar SATA models
Full range of capacities (1TB to 14TB)
High workload rating, 10X higher than desktop drives, for 24×7 operation
Advanced technology design supports enterprise-class reliability and power efficiency
6 Gb/s SATA
5-year limited warranty

Applications and Workloads
Cloud applications and distributed file systems like Apache Hadoop® to support Big Data analytics
Bulk storage using Object storage solutions like Ceph™ and OpenStack Swift
Direct Network Attached Storage (DAS NAS), RAID storage
Industrial or Surveillance Applications
Entry Server Storage


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